As the sun’s golden rays stretched across the horizon, our adventurers arrived in Gonbay, a city where the pulse of ancient magic beats in harmony with the bustling rhythm of trade. This coastal metropolis, a melting pot of cultures and races, welcomed them with the vibrant life of its Harbor District. Here, the air was […]

A Brief History of Demons

Primordial Chaos: Tharizdun's SpawnBefore all we know, there was Altherion and Tharizdun, The Makers. Tharizdun feasted on destruction and chaos. In his vicious quest to destroy all that Altherion created, he molded the first demons and devils.…

The Mirage of Vezara

Illidan’s patience was growing thin. “The stone’s sing” Sethis, the elderly Tiefling said. “If you just listen to the rocks, you will find any answer you seek – it is written right here by Alturius himself!” Sethis held an…

The Tome of Pacts

Introduction to the Nature of Demonic Pacts In the annals of arcane and forbidden knowledge, the subject of demonic pacts occupies a particularly potent place. This text seeks to discuss the nature, process, and implications of forming pacts…

Of Souls and Theories

Leading theories on souls and memories in Vi'el Tarin weave a rich tapestry of mystical inquiry. Scholars and mages alike delve into these concepts, each theory offering a unique lens through which to view the interplay of essence and recollection. Professor…

Session 4 – Shadows and Light

Desperate Preparations and a Fiery Assault As night crept over the horizon, the adventurers gathered around the massive crossbow, a relic of their recent skirmish. Illidan, with a steady hand, mended the colossal bolts, while Cetiri tore…

Session 3 – Across the Plains

Journey Through the Washed Plains The journey of our adventurers unfolded under a radiant sun, casting its warmth over the vast Washed Plains. This sprawling savannah, with its gentle breezes and open skies, presented a serene backdrop to…